Saturday, July 26, 2008

The President of the United States Is George W. Obama, Wait, Barack Bush, Wait, Who Is It Again?

It is a well-known truism that a person should always dress for the job they want, not the job they have. Barack Obama must have learned this a long time ago, for not only is he dressing like our president, he is acting like our president, talking like our president, representing the United States like our president, and being presidential in just about every way he can possibly be.

I can't remember the last time I heard from our current president, George W. Bush, about the state of our economy and his concerns for us and how he plans to do what he can to help us. The last time I heard McCain talk was while he was standing in front of the bologna, ham and turkey section in a grocery store, when he afterwards did his weekly grocery shopping. Nothing says presidential like cold cuts.

The pronounced contrast of Bush and McCain's recent performances against Senator Barack Obama in Berlin, speaking to a crowd of thousands, delivering an unprecedented, bold and inspirational address that millions watched on television makes me realize that the United States, if not the entire world, has already determined in their minds who the next president of the United States will be. In fact, I would venture to say some feel, or at least wish, Barack Obama would be their president now.

We'll go through this election process, but it is clear in my mind who is already in the mindset, has the courage for and ability to lead this nation, and who already IS representing us proudly to the entire world. Our next president IS Senator Barack Obama in our hearts and minds right now. The election process, to me, seems to only serve as a confirmation process of what we already feel to be true.

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